Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What Are You Doing While You Wait?


Are you tired of praying over and over for the same things that you have been asking for years? Are you waiting on that perfect job, family, marriage, ministry, house, business, or dream?  Well, did you know that you can have what you want if you truly believe?  You have to know that you know that you know that is going to happen.  Just don't think it's going to happen because you're waiting. There are two types of waiting, passive and active. You have to actively prepare for some things. And some things appear to happen out of the clear blue sky as if you were passively waiting but you were actively preparing in the background for it.  So, what are you doing while you are waiting on whatever it is you're waiting on?  You can't expect new things to happen in your life while doing the same old things such as procrastinating, hanging around the same people, letting negative people in your life, going to same route to work, going to the same grocery store, places to eat, etc.  You have to stretch your wings and enlarge your territory by hanging around positive and powerful people who could take you to the next level in your life, doing something new every week, going to a different place of vacation every year, trying something new, joining a new organization, learning a new hobby, going back to school, praying, fasting, writing your vision plan down and making it plain, etc.  You only live once so seize the moment of opportunity to prepare for what you want.  For example, if you want a job then you're going to have to write a resume, get professional clothes, study the companies you're applying, and network around important people.  Second example, if you want a spouse then you're going to have to work on your shortcomings, learn how to cook or sew, save money, and be the right one instead of looking for the right one.  There are so many things you could be doing while you wait. But remember, everybody has to wait. No one is exempt from waiting. So be positive!  So when you pray to God for something, he has three answers which are yes no or wait.  So if it is a wait then you know is going to be a yes. So instead of focusing on how long you waiting, just focus on what are you doing while you wait.

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